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   porphyria cutanea tarda

Disease ID 47
Disease porphyria cutanea tarda
An autosomal dominant or acquired porphyria due to a deficiency of UROPORPHYRINOGEN DECARBOXYLASE in the LIVER. It is characterized by photosensitivity and cutaneous lesions with little or no neurologic symptoms. Type I is the acquired form and is strongly associated with liver diseases and hepatic toxicities caused by alcohol or estrogenic steroids. Type II is the familial form.
chp - cutaneous hepatic porphyria
cutaneous hepatic porphyria
pct - porphyria cutanea tarda
pct, type ii
porphyria cutanea tarda (disorder)
porphyria cutanea tarda (pct)
porphyria cutanea tarda [disease/finding]
porphyria cutanea tarda symptomatica
porphyria cutanea tarda, nos
porphyria cutanea tarda, type ii
porphyria, hepatocutaneous type
symptomatic porphyria
UMLS | Disease | Sentences' Count(Total Sentences:14)
C0026769  |  multiple sclerosis  |  1
C0022661  |  chronic renal failure  |  1
C0018995  |  hemochromatosis  |  1
C0023903  |  liver cancer  |  1
C1621895  |  adrenal hyperplasia  |  1
C1527336  |  sjogren's syndrome  |  1
C0409974  |  lupus erythematosus  |  1
C0033860  |  psoriasis  |  1
C0001627  |  congenital adrenal hyperplasia  |  1
C0020456  |  hyperglycemia  |  1
C0024141  |  systemic lupus erythematosus  |  1
C0021053  |  immune disease  |  1
C0019158  |  hepatitis  |  1
C0031048  |  constrictive pericarditis  |  1
Curated Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:4)
HFE  |  3077  |  CTD_human;ORPHANET
CPOX  |  1371  |  CTD_human
CYP1A2  |  1544  |  CTD_human
Inferring Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:5)
1544  |  CYP1A2  |  infer
3077  |  HFE  |  infer
7036  |  TFR2  |  infer
7037  |  TFRC  |  infer
7389  |  UROD  |  infer
Text Mined Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Score | Resource(Total Genes:63)
973  |  CD79A  |  DISEASES
57817  |  HAMP  |  DISEASES
7036  |  TFR2  |  DISEASES
727  |  C5  |  DISEASES
8288  |  EPX  |  DISEASES
7448  |  VTN  |  DISEASES
5624  |  PROC  |  DISEASES
80306  |  MED28  |  DISEASES
7389  |  UROD  |  DISEASES
7263  |  TST  |  DISEASES
1571  |  CYP2E1  |  DISEASES
29969  |  MDFIC  |  DISEASES
9360  |  PPIG  |  DISEASES
30061  |  SLC40A1  |  DISEASES
10558  |  SPTLC1  |  DISEASES
975  |  CD81  |  DISEASES
8942  |  KYNU  |  DISEASES
1371  |  CPOX  |  DISEASES
1356  |  CP  |  DISEASES
3263  |  HPX  |  DISEASES
3439  |  IFNA1  |  DISEASES
3145  |  HMBS  |  DISEASES
539  |  ATP5O  |  DISEASES
27306  |  HPGDS  |  DISEASES
213  |  ALB  |  DISEASES
5092  |  PCBD1  |  DISEASES
6036  |  RNASE2  |  DISEASES
79901  |  CYBRD1  |  DISEASES
6014  |  RIT2  |  DISEASES
1555  |  CYP2B6  |  DISEASES
5178  |  PEG3  |  DISEASES
212  |  ALAS2  |  DISEASES
148738  |  HFE2  |  DISEASES
1576  |  CYP3A4  |  DISEASES
7360  |  UGP2  |  DISEASES
1544  |  CYP1A2  |  DISEASES
5498  |  PPOX  |  DISEASES
4734  |  NEDD4  |  DISEASES
4948  |  OCA2  |  DISEASES
3240  |  HP  |  DISEASES
7037  |  TFRC  |  DISEASES
8443  |  GNPAT  |  DISEASES
58  |  ACTA1  |  DISEASES
5321  |  PLA2G4A  |  DISEASES
7390  |  UROS  |  DISEASES
959  |  CD40LG  |  DISEASES
3105  |  HLA-A  |  DISEASES
10257  |  ABCC4  |  DISEASES
1543  |  CYP1A1  |  DISEASES
54790  |  TET2  |  DISEASES
1646  |  AKR1C2  |  DISEASES
1645  |  AKR1C1  |  DISEASES
2235  |  FECH  |  DISEASES
5091  |  PC  |  DISEASES
174  |  AFP  |  DISEASES
23327  |  NEDD4L  |  DISEASES
7018  |  TF  |  DISEASES
210  |  ALAD  |  DISEASES
3077  |  HFE  |  DISEASES
338376  |  IFNE  |  DISEASES
846  |  CASR  |  DISEASES
6999  |  TDO2  |  DISEASES
Locus(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 47
Disease porphyria cutanea tarda
Integrated Phenotype
HPO | Name(Total Integrated Phenotypes:16)
HP:0100021  |  Cerebral palsy
HP:0001645  |  Sudden cardiac death
HP:0200037  |  Skin vesicle
HP:0001053  |  Hypopigmented skin patches
HP:0002230  |  Generalized hirsutism
HP:0001394  |  Cirrhosis
HP:0000953  |  Hyperpigmentation of the skin
HP:0000988  |  Skin rash
HP:0001397  |  Hepatic steatosis
HP:0010783  |  Erythema
HP:0000969  |  Edema
HP:0000963  |  Thin skin
HP:0008066  |  Abnormal blistering of the skin
HP:0000992  |  Cutaneous photosensitivity
HP:0001402  |  Hepatocellular carcinoma
HP:0000987  |  Atypical scarring of skin
Text Mined Phenotype
HPO | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Phenotypes:16)
Disease ID 47
Disease porphyria cutanea tarda
Manually Symptom
UMLS  | Name(Total Manually Symptoms:38)
C2364133  |  infection
C2186532  |  liver disease
C1963148  |  iron overload
C1527358  |  phototoxicity
C1512411  |  hepatocellular carcinoma
C1421374  |  uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase deficiency
C0948120  |  hepatic siderosis
C0877372  |  hepatosis
C0524910  |  chronic hepatitis c
C0494165  |  liver metastases
C0341439  |  chronic liver disease
C0238124  |  necrotizing fasciitis
C0235031  |  neurological symptoms
C0220847  |  hepatitis c
C0162830  |  phototoxic reaction
C0149722  |  lentigo maligna
C0042769  |  virus infection
C0042769  |  viral infection
C0037285  |  skin manifestations
C0037284  |  skin lesions
C0037140  |  b virus infection
C0036416  |  scleritis
C0034150  |  purpura
C0030920  |  peptic ulcer
C0027765  |  neurological disorder
C0026764  |  multiple myeloma
C0025517  |  metabolic disorders
C0024141  |  systemic lupus erythematosus
C0023903  |  hepatoma
C0023895  |  hepatopathy
C0023895  |  hepatic pathology
C0022661  |  end-stage renal disease
C0020555  |  hypertrichosis
C0019196  |  viral hepatitis c
C0015411  |  eye manifestations
C0013312  |  dupuytren's contracture
C0006664  |  calcinosis cutis
C0003969  |  ascorbic acid deficiency
Text Mined Symptom
UMLS | Name | Sentences' Count(Total Symptoms:2)
C0009450  |  infection  |  2
C0024141  |  systemic lupus erythematosus  |  1
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
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All Snps(Total Genotypes:12)
snpId pubmedId geneId geneSymbol diseaseId sourceId sentence score Year geneSymbol_dbSNP CHROMOSOME POS REF ALT
rs116233118110696257389URODumls:C0162566UNIPROTCo-inheritance of mutations in the uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase and hemochromatosis genes accelerates the onset of porphyria cutanea tarda.0.5870220922000UROD145015346GA
rs12191806697928637389URODumls:C0162566UNIPROTFamilial porphyria cutanea tarda: characterization of seven novel uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase mutations and frequency of common hemochromatosis alleles.0.5870220921998UROD145015389GA
rs1799945172982247036TFR2umls:C0162566BeFreeBy contrast, the frequencies of the common H63D mutation did not differ, and the allele frequencies of the less frequently observed sequence deviations as substitution S65C in the HFE gene and mutation Y250X in the TFR2 gene underlying hemochromatosis type 3 (HFE3) were < 0.02 both in PCT patients and controls.0.0050055062006HFE626090951CG
rs179994594259353077HFEumls:C0162566BeFreeHigh prevalence of the His63Asp HFE mutation in Italian patients with porphyria cutanea tarda.0.3011142811998HFE626090951CG
rs1800562170620323077HFEumls:C0162566BeFreeThe prevalence of HFE C282Y gene mutation is increased in Spanish patients with porphyria cutanea tarda without hepatitis C virus infection.0.3011142812006HFE626092913GA
rs1800562181890293077HFEumls:C0162566BeFreePorphyria cutanea tarda associated with Cys282Tyr mutation in HFE gene in hereditary hemochromatosis: a case report and review of the literature.0.3011142812007HFE626092913GA
rs1800730172982247036TFR2umls:C0162566BeFreeBy contrast, the frequencies of the common H63D mutation did not differ, and the allele frequencies of the less frequently observed sequence deviations as substitution S65C in the HFE gene and mutation Y250X in the TFR2 gene underlying hemochromatosis type 3 (HFE3) were < 0.02 both in PCT patients and controls.0.0050055062006HFE626090957AT
rs3603311588964287389URODumls:C0162566UNIPROTThese results indicate that many different genetic lesions of the UROD gene are associated with fPCT.0.5870220921996UROD145014560TA
rs80338880172982247036TFR2umls:C0162566BeFreeBy contrast, the frequencies of the common H63D mutation did not differ, and the allele frequencies of the less frequently observed sequence deviations as substitution S65C in the HFE gene and mutation Y250X in the TFR2 gene underlying hemochromatosis type 3 (HFE3) were < 0.02 both in PCT patients and controls.0.0050055062006TFR2;LOC1053754287100633100GC
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
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GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
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Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:0)
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Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:0)
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Chemical(Total Drugs:9)
CUI ChemicalName ChemicalID CasRN DiseaseName DiseaseID DirectEvidence PubMedIDs
C0162566carbamazepineD002220298-46-4porphyria cutanea tardaMESH:D017119marker/mechanism8610843
C0162566colchicineD00307864-86-8porphyria cutanea tardaMESH:D017119marker/mechanism4105790
C0162566cyclophosphamideD00352050-18-0porphyria cutanea tardaMESH:D017119marker/mechanism3410226
C0162566cisplatinD00294515663-27-1porphyria cutanea tardaMESH:D017119marker/mechanism3410226
C0162566diethylstilbestrolD00405456-53-1porphyria cutanea tardaMESH:D017119marker/mechanism11851245
C0162566methotrexateD0087271959/5/2porphyria cutanea tardaMESH:D017119marker/mechanism6682603
C0162566phenytoinD01067257-41-0porphyria cutanea tardaMESH:D017119therapeutic11586030
C0162566pravastatinD01703581093-37-0porphyria cutanea tardaMESH:D017119marker/mechanism7631993
C0162566rifampinD01229313292-46-1porphyria cutanea tardaMESH:D017119marker/mechanism6452153
FDA approved drug and dosage information(Total Drugs:0)
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FDA labeling changes(Total Drugs:0)
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